Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Michael!

Woah, it's been awhile since I posted on my blog and a lot of things have been happening in the MJ Communitty, and most of them not so great things: The AEG trial, siblings going on Twitter rants in order to cash in on Michael's children, unauthorized duets, etc. Whew! Being a Michael fan isn't easy AT ALL.

But on the eve of Michael's 55th birthday, I refuse to fall into that trap of lies. I've spent way too many days feeling upset/angry over things I certainly didn't have control over, but pissed that it was happening. I am reminded though that at the end of the day Michael's legacy and message is in his music. He has brought so many people together and that is something that can never, ever be taken away.

I'll be in Las Vegas with friends this week, but you can still join the party. There will be a global Michael Jackson celebration via Instagram, just upload a picture with the hastag #MJWeAreOne and share the video (and your love of MJ) to the world. I also found another MJ Global party at that you can be a part of too.

Gotta get packing! Happy Birthday, Michael!!!!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Michael song of the Weekend is.....

Happy Weekend everyone! Hope you all are having a fun and safe time wherever you are!

Shit, it's been a crazy week in the MJ world, and it didn't take me long to figure out what the MJ Song of the Weekend would be. I've been battling whether to do a happy, uplifting song or a "I hate the world" kind of song due to recent bullshit events. :sigh: But I chose the high road and the winner is.............

Jam is one of those songs that I loved while growing up on the East Coast, but I never really looked at the lyrics. The beat was enough for me and I would scream "GO WITH IT, GO WITH IT, JAM!" around the house. I really thought the song was for the movie Space Jam, and being that young, could you blame me? They played that freaking song all the time on NBA games! Plus the short film with the Other MJ, I was sold. 

It wasn't until much years later that I looked at the lyrics and realized how groundbreaking the song was. This was a time where Michael was going in new direction with his career, breaking with the Quincy Jones formula and taking a risk with an up and coming producer. While Bad was an album centered around escaping to different worlds and experiencing new things, Dangerous was a mirror on the world, reflecting all the good and bad that was going on: isolation, depression, anger, war, love, injustice, and peace. It is my favorite album because he wasn't afraid to take risks: It's one thing to write songs that are catchy and get people on the dance floor, but if you can make people THINK  in the process--even when they assume they are only dancing to an awesome upbeat song--then you're just a freakin' genius.

The first thing I notice is the glass smashing, starting the song at an alarming don’t-sleep-on-your-laurels- kind of thing. I can imagine someone buying the album and Jam is the first song and they go, “Woah, what is that?” The glass smashing to me isn’t just Michael’s attempt to just throw it in there; rather it could be letting people know to wake up, time is limited on this earth and you better do it know before it’s too late. People can become so wrapped up in their lives and what they want that it takes a little shake up--or shattered glass--to wake them up and Michael did that in just a few seconds. 

Michael’s vocals in Jam is what makes the song soar: they are quick and efficient, he huffs, yells, says “woo” as if he has reached that point of harmony and wants everyone to go along for the ride. You can’t help but join in and dance. He also has a sense of urgency when saying the lyrics, I didn’t realize how much he says until I actually read it and I’m like wow, that’s a lot to say. Now some may say he says too much and it gets lost with the horns blowing and music, but I disagree. If he slowed down then the song would've been 10 minutes long and wouldn't connect with the music. There are certain parts where yes he barely even breaths when he gets the words out but he does pause and the music goes down when he says certain things, certain phrases that I just love. Maybe it wasn't meant for the listener to remember every lyric, maybe it was just the certain phrases. I think because if he slowed it down it would sound a bit too preachy, speed it up, say what you gotta say and pause at the right moments and people will understand exactly what you mean. 

Nation To Nation
All The World
Must Come Together
Face The Problems
That We See
Then Maybe Somehow We Can Work It Out
I Asked My Neighbor
For A Favor
She Said Later
What Has Come Of
All The People
Have We Lost Love
Of What It's About

I Have To Find My Peace Cuz
No One Seems To Let Me Be
False Prophets Cry Of Doom
What Are The Possibilities
I Told My Brother
There'll Be Problems,
Times And Tears For Fears,
We Must Live Each Day
Like It's The Last 

Seriously, the first lines of the song remind me of something straight out of a civil rights speech, a desperate plea for humanity to come together as one. Then he asks his neighbor for a favor and she dumps his request. Now this line reminded me of a bible quote: Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself [Romans 13:9]. So he assumes that his neighbor will help him out not because he asks but because she seems him as a reflection of herself and his request is denied. Michael’s able to put this story as an example of how the world is going, they don’t care about anyone except themselves and would rather turn up their nose to their neighbor because they won’t get anything in return. Then he discuss that they are ‘false prophets’ and it’s up to him to figure out where he can get some peace; he’s disconnected from the world, tuned out and doesn't want to deal with people anymore. Michael is saying that isn't the way, yes humanity is pretty crazy sometimes and you just want to be a hermit, but it isn't the way. Michael then says the last lines “We must love each day/like it’s the last.” and it’s just him with very little music, he’s making a point that hey, wake up! Now’s the time to start living and that’s by helping your fellow man and woman. And then there’s the “Times and tears for fears” lyric. I did some research and found that it’s actually a psychological theory developed by the American psychologist Arthur Janov. In his theory Prisoners of Pain Janov suggested tears as a replacement for fears, basically the fright-or-flight syndrome. To me Michael is saying, “Don’t just sit there and cry about what’s going on, DO something.” 

The World Keeps Changing
Rearranging Minds
And Thoughts
Predictions Fly Of Doom
The Baby Boom
Has Come Of Age
We'll Work It Out

So again we have a mixture of the world evolving but also the “Armageddon is upon us” sense of urgency. Michael still keeps his upbeat perception that humanity will ‘work it out’ but you can tell he’s still a bit worried that we won’t get it in time. By the time he gets to this part of the song, he’s whipping himself up into a frenzy, no more time for the happy stuff, he’s about to get real.

I Told My Brothers
Don't You Ask Me
For No Favors
I'm Conditioned By
The System
Don't You Talk To Me
Don't Scream And Shout 

The tables get turned, now he’s telling his brothers/neighbors to get lost, he’s been consumed by society that he’s lost his way, he’s giving up trying to be the good guy. He is numb and immune to society’s plight, kind of like he has given the middle finger to the whole Man in the Mirror message. 

She Pray To God, To Buddha
Then She Sings A
Talmud Song
Confusions Contradict
The Self
Do We Know Right
From Wrong
I Just Want You To
Recognize Me
In The Temple
You Can't Hurt Me
I Found Peace
Within Myself 

I’m assuming the “she” is the neighbor and look what has happened? She goes from one religion to the other praying for redemption. I’m not sure if this because she feels she has done bad or a futile attempt to be whole again because hey, the world is coming to an end soon. Time is ticking away. With the lyric “Confusions contradict the self/do we know right from wrong”, it seems that there’s this internal battle to follow whatever religion you believe, but in a world where everyone is out for themselves, it can get confusing. 

Michael slows down again with another favorite lyric, he wants “you” (neighbor/religious entity/the world?) to recognize him in the temple, I’m assuming that he’s saying when he’s gone from the world God or whatever religious deity will know him and welcome him into heaven/bliss, etc. “You can’t hurt me, I found peace within myself.” is such a powerful statement. I feel like he’s talking to evil directly, no matter what’s thrown at him he’s found that peace and nothing is going to take that away. 

The title “Jam” itself is incredibly genius. One may think it’s just Michael having a jam session with the music. But looking at the definition of jam it could mean many things: 

Jam : To drive or wedge forcibly into a tight position. It could mean that people feel they cannot escape the madness that is society, that they are stuck where they are with no room to move. It’s like, “Hey I live like this and it won’t change so that’s how it’s going to be.” This can be used any time when people are going through a difficult time they can’t move up or down and thus in a jam.

Or it could mean this: 

Jam today: The principle of living for the moment. 

I'm going to go with #2.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to put on my clothes backwards and enjoy this 90's style. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Michael song of the weekend is....

Ever had a particular Michael song stuck in your head for days and exactly describes how you are feeling at that moment? Of course you have. I've listened to his music and it never fails: I'm on the road, at the gym, or in the comforts of my own home when it hits me: This song is the shit! How come I didn't realize it until know? Granted, I've listened to the song 439538453 times but in that moment it feels like the very first time.

So my song for the weekend..drum roll please...Baby Be Mine!

Yes, I know it says Human Nature, but I like this cover of him and fits with the song. Anyhoo, I feel that Baby Be Mine gets a bad wrap: a sappy filler, a cheesy attempt to get the girl, the stepsister of PYT, etc. True, it is easy to forget this single when you have Beat It, Billie Jean, and Human Nature to compete with. What sucks is that this song comes right after Wanna Be Starting Something, so after clapping my hands and screaming MA MA SE MA MU SA MU MA CU SA, here comes the cheese. 

However, I do believe that a great album gives you a multitude of scenarios and emotions, has peaks and valleys and not every song can be a hit (see coffee break). And you know what, with Thriller being the mega juggernaut that changed the music industry, BBM doesn't have to. It's one of those songs that creeps up on you: a sly, shy, but oh so adorable Michael had you sweating up a storm and dancing to the first track, now he's going to take it slow and seduce you with his voice. Any other person singing this song would get laughed at (or punched in the face by his buddies), because frankly, the song almost stopped and lived in Cheesyland. Heck, Michael could sing the phone book and make it the best. song. ever. 

Even if he did live in Cheesyland, think about this: Thriller, with all of it's zombies lurking in the dark, baby mama drama, babies dying, feelings of loneliness, overcoming barriers and paranoia, there are moments of brightness and happiness. And if a young Michael Jackson singing about love and rainbows distracts me from the cruelties of the world, I'll take it.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Foreverland Concert 7/13/13

Life is a fickle thing. You expect one result and before you know it, you get something else. As I was sitting in a restaurant that night, the words BREAKING NEWS flashed across the screen. I expected to hear a guilty verdict in the murder of Trayvon Martin, but it wasn't meant to be. As I walked in a daze to the House of Blues to see Foreverland, I tried to push that in the back of my mind and enjoy the show.

Foreverland is a "different kind of tribute band" to Michael Jackson. There are no impersonators, no backtracks, no special effects. It's just an 18 piece band that includes 4 vocalists, 4 horn players, a rhythm section; and one bad ass night. And they don't just stand there and sing, they groove, move, scream, shout, shake their bodies down to the ground, and simply rock it. You can tell that they love Michael, they love what they do, and they love their fans. The crowd sent that love back with their dancing, singing the lyrics, and having a good time. I loved the fact that it was all ages, from toddlers to senior citizens. And it didn't matter if you only knew a few songs or the whole catalog, everybody was getting down, even the MJ impersonator that night to sketchy polyester wearing, Temptation reject wannabee, tampon hair dangling, creep. Guess good music brings them all out.

One of the moments that struck me was when they dedicated Man in The Mirror "To someone who really needs to take a hard look into the mirror. His last name is Zimmerman." A buzz went through the crowd at that name, we all knew exactly what he meant. Even though I have heard this song way too many times to count, it really hit home that night.

I really wish I could go into every detail of the performance, but they were so fucking awesome that at this point, you really need to see them RIGHT NOW. Like, now. I'm happy that even though the world is fucked up and humanity is going down the shit hole, Michael's music still resonates in the fans and can make the darkest days a little bit brighter.

Official Foreverland Website

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

He Really Is Unbreakable

It was bound to happen sooner or later.

You know that feeling: You get excited over a new Michael Jackson product/show/album, you spend days in an MJ hangover with a silly smile on your face..and then reality hits. And when I say "reality" I mean those bastards who try to destroy Michael every opportunity that they get, especially when something positive happens.

I had just come back from seeing MJONE, all up in my Michael-ness, when the shit hit the fan. Granted, shit had already hit said fan with Spade Robson's (yes, Spade) allegations that Michael molest him, and this of course leaked on the worst possible moment ever MY BIRTHDAY. Anyhoo, faster than you could say "Shamoan" stories came out about the FBI files, Michael haters started cackling and spreading their hate around Twitter, and let's not forget the AEG/Katherine Jackson trial (geesh).

All of this news is enough to make a fan go crazy. Just when I think it's ok to pop my head out and embrace the fact that finally, Michael Jackson is accepted back into the mouths and minds positively, this shit happens.   My theory is that any good thing spread about Michael, the haters have to counteract with something negative. Can't have good stuff in related to Michael Jackson because that would be ridiculous!! We need to throw something out there, anything, doesn't matter if it sticks, we need to tear him down!

Really, people? Now I could go on and rant about each and every piece of BS that I've heard about Michael Jackson since I've been born and try to decode them once and for all. But I'm just going to list them:

Michael Jackson lives in an oxygen chamber.

Michael Jackson builds a shrine to Elizabeth Taylor in his bedroom.

Michael Jackson wants to buys the Elephant Man's Bones. 

Michael Jackson wanted to be a woman, that is why he took female hormone pills to change his voice.

Michael Jackson adopted triplet babies and wants to create his own planet. 

Michael Jackson doesn't like being black, that is why he bleached his skin. 

Michael Jackson abuses young boys.

Michael Jackson died a virgin.

There's plenty more, but you get the idea. Just looking at these now are laughable to me, but at the same time there are people that still believe these rumors, and said rumors continue to circulate. It's funny to me how even today there are tweets and reports of the same shit that's been recycled for the past 30 years. Not to be crude, but if you're going to give me something, make it original! (I heard one rumor that Michael will come back and the first sign would be glittery gloves falling from the sky, but I think the viewer was under the influence of something and watching the MTV VMA 2009 MJ Commercial.)

With all this crap going on, I began to fill disheartened. Why do people obsess over this man and want to continuously bash him? Why won't they let him rest in peace? While contemplating this, I was off doing errands one day as I usually do. While in my car I put on the Invincible album. You know how you can listen to a song a billion times, sing along with it, then one time you hear it and BAM! it hits you? You finally get it? I've heard (and badly sung along to) Unbreakable many, many times but it felt like out of all days, I understood what he was trying to say:

Now you can't stop me even thought you think 
that if you block me, you've done your thing 
and when you bury me underneath all your pain 
I´m steady laughin', while surfacing 

Don't you ever make no mistake 
baby I've got what it takes 
and there's no way you'll ever get to me 
Why can't you see that you'll never ever hurt me 
'cause I wont let it be, see I'm too much for you baby 

Those lyrics made me realize this: Yes, people will continue to talk shit about Michael Jackson, and they do this because they have nothing else going on in their lives that is worth while. They are jealous and even a bit fearful because Michael Jackson has got a lot of friggin' power. They spend days and nights with their hatred building up inside of them when they see Michael making money, or his music is playing in a public place. They are fearful of something they can't understand, jealous of the power he has to unite people, and at the end of the day, are sad human beings. I actually feel a bit sorry for some of them, they spend all that time and energy on something they cannot break or shake. Believe me, these stories and more will be created and continue long after you and I are gone.

But I've realized in the last few years the tides are turning. Call in cosmic energy, positive juju, whatever, but I can feel it. Check out YT and watch how fans as young as 2 and as old as 102 are dancing to his music. Las Vegas was brimming with Michael love all over the Strip. From Brooklyn to Bangkok, from the CEO of a major company, to the child in the slums of Dona Marta, the love for Michael Jackson will go on. He lives on in the hearts and minds of those who love him. He may be gone physically, they may continue to destroy his image, but he is here now, stronger than ever before. He is Unbreakable.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

We're Not in Neverland Anymore...

Complete the following quiz as honestly as you can:

Have you been a vocal fan post-2009? 

Do you buy any Michael merchandise/music post-2009?

Where you at Michael's 2005 trial every single moment of every single day?

Did you attend any of Michael's concerts? (Bonus points if you're American and went to the Dangerous and/or History World Tour)


Were you there at the birth of Michael Joseph Jackson? 

All done? If you've answered No to any of those questions, Congratulations, you are a Fake Fan!! Your pre-2009 merchandise is in the mail...

In all seriousness, this has happened to me and I'm sure many in the MJ Community: after singing Cry 447565674324234 times, embracing each other at Forest Lawn, and celebrating his life a la Can You Feel A Brand New Day-ish, something happened. The dust settled, the ground started rumbling, and the words "fake fan" start popping up everywhere. I assumed a "fake fan" was someone who wasn't a fan at all and manipulated mourning fans for monetary gain and/or attention. But I was clearly told in person and online that I was a fake fan because I wasn't there from the beginning (and I assume the beginning they mean conception). With that, I would like to say this: 

Seriously, if you're one of those people, walk off a short pier. Go play in traffic. Fuck off. Sayonara. 

We're talking about Michael fucking Jackson here, right? The same guy who pulled up his pants, Moonwalked across stage, broke the damn bar and threw it into orbit, united people with his music and message..has a VIP priority list of fans? Oh yes, I'm sure he's creating the list right now of number of fans who've been to his concerts the most, or spent time at the courthouse, or who've followed him across the globe. I'm in bad shape when it's my time to go because I'm no where on that list......

I have no problem if you're a die hard fan who've been around since 1969 or even 2009. The bottom line is that Michael never judged his fans. Can you imagine if you had a chance to meet Michael Jackson? Your heart races as he walks into the room, you have a speech prepared and he looks you right in the eye and says, "Show me your Fan Papers as proof you're a fan." Then he starts grilling you with questions because heck, he wants to make sure you're a real fan. Last time that I checked, Michael wasn't a dick like that, even though I'm sure he got sick and tired of fans screaming at his hotel room at 3:00 am when all he wanted to do was go to sleep. 

While swimming through the fake fan-ness, I began to wonder why this was happening in the first place. Michael Jackson is meant to be enjoyed by all, regardless of race, gender, social status, etc. And he loved all, from the terminally ill child that he invited to his concert, to celebrities and dignitaries alike. I've seen people who would normally have nothing in common, bond together over Billie Jean or Jam and wonder who else could have that power? If Michael could give us the gift of unity, why are we throwing it back in his face by turning on the one community that is supposed to represent him?

I don't expect all of us start singing Kumbaya and suddenly agree on everything. Ain't gonna happen. And I wouldn't want it to happen because I love the diversity of the MJ community. I like how I can have a healthy (and non life threatening) discussion about which album is the best or what he was saying in Shout.  And if we want the media and the world to show the respect Michael Jackson deserved, it should start at home.

Friday, July 5, 2013

MJONE Premier Review

It's here, boys and girls! After months of anticipation, MJONE premiered at Mandalay Bay on June 29th, 2013, and my friend and I were lucky enough to attend the show. Days later, I'm still on my MJ high because this show, frankly, is the shiitttt. 

If you've seen Immortal, take that out of your mind because it's nothing like it (and thank goodness. Although I love Immortal and saw it 6x, I felt that sometimes it was disjointed and catered directly to MJ fans, leaving Cirque fans confused and maybe even a bit tiffed. I remember seeing the early shows and wondering what that big tree in the middle of the stage was and why it was falling apart mid-show. Luckily, Mr. Branca let us know it was a work in process and should be in tip top shape soon enough). It's better. Scratch that, It's the bests Cirque show of all time. Even Robin Leach, aka Mr. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, aka Mr. Las Vegas, predicted that the show would stick around for at least 20 years. 2-0, folks. 

Before I review the show, I do have to give a shout out to the people of Cirque and Mandalay Bay on their promotion because everywhere I went, MJONE was there. Walking through the airport I saw this: 

When we got into the taxi, MJONE was playing on the screens. His music was playing at ever casino we went to (I can't even tell you the last time I heard Baby Be Mine in a public place!), people everywhere were talking about the show, it was all Michael, Michael, Michael. 

We got ready and headed to premier show with our tickets in hand: 

The theater itself is breathtaking. Before you even walk inside, you are bombarded with Michael images: his signature moves are lined up on the walls, crystal walls, even the doors are Michael-ish. To the right is the MJ gift shop and at this point, I'm sure I owe them my first born child at the moment. 

The inside doesn't disappoint.  His lyrics are written across the walls along with his silhouette in every corner. A gigantic crystal chandelier hangs in the middle of the room. The workers are all dressed up in MJ regal outfits, and they all seemed happy to be there. "Paparazzi" take pictures of you which you can later purchase after the show. Free drinks and snacks, Michael's music playing, a happy crowd = one happy fan.

I won't give away the show, but the general synopsis focuses on four misfits who travel through different scenarios through Michael's music. My interpretation is that they all aim to save and protect a piece of Michael's legacy (hat, glove, shoes) from the Evil Empire (tabloid trash), however it isn't easy. They have to go through many obstacles--some from E.E., some from themselves--before the come to realize a very important message. 

And yes, there is a hologram, but Cirque did an amazing job with it, I will let you decide for yourself when you see the show.

What works here is that the theater is small an intimate. There is not a bad seat in the house, you are immersed into the show and soon enough, you become part of the show. Michael's voice surrounds you and for a half a second you imagine that he's right there singing in your ear. Before you know it, people are stamping their feet, clapping their hands, singing, and grooving in their seats. By the end of the show there was a standing ovation, it was so loud I'm sure Michael himself had heard it. 

Would I see the show again? You bet your sweet ass I will. I still have goosebumps, that is how powerful MJONE is. I'm sure Michael would be proud.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

In The Beginning: What Is the Room Below?

The Room Below is my own little piece of internet heaven; a place where I could write anything I want about Michael Jackson and I could give a flying fuck who likes it or not. It's part cathartic, part therapy, part "I'll saw what I want." kind of if you're still reading this, awesome. :)

Before I get into the who's, what's and why's, I just want to be clear: I am in no way affiliated with Michael Jackson/The Jacksons/The Estate/Sony/AEG/Bubbles. I am just a regular fan who has too much time on their hands and a wicked fast internet connection. (The jury's still out on whether I am deemed a "fake fan" or not, but that's another blog entry...) You'd be surprise how many people assume that you know somebody who knows somebody, or that you're secretly working with (insert conspiracy theory group). Sorry kiddos, it's just moi. 

First thing is first: What's up with the title? I have no freakin' idea, but you're going to love it. I think of the Room Below as a place where not too many people know about, or refuse to go. Think of your own home, when was the last time you went down to your basement just for fun and not to find extra batteries in case the lights went out? We think of those dark, musty, moth-infused areas as a place to put things we don't need, a time machine in which we don't really want to look back, and let's face it, basements can get creepy. Sometimes we may find a memory that we thought was buried long ago and realize what was in front of us the whole time. To me, people are like houses; everyone wants to party it up in the living room, get it on in the bedroom, and chill out in the front yard, but the real shit goes down in the basement. Just like an onion you have to peel back many layers before you get to the core of who a person is, and I think Michael was like that. Again, this is my own thoughts and interpretation of him, so take it or leave it. But please make sure to wash your hands when you exit...