Friday, July 5, 2013

MJONE Premier Review

It's here, boys and girls! After months of anticipation, MJONE premiered at Mandalay Bay on June 29th, 2013, and my friend and I were lucky enough to attend the show. Days later, I'm still on my MJ high because this show, frankly, is the shiitttt. 

If you've seen Immortal, take that out of your mind because it's nothing like it (and thank goodness. Although I love Immortal and saw it 6x, I felt that sometimes it was disjointed and catered directly to MJ fans, leaving Cirque fans confused and maybe even a bit tiffed. I remember seeing the early shows and wondering what that big tree in the middle of the stage was and why it was falling apart mid-show. Luckily, Mr. Branca let us know it was a work in process and should be in tip top shape soon enough). It's better. Scratch that, It's the bests Cirque show of all time. Even Robin Leach, aka Mr. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, aka Mr. Las Vegas, predicted that the show would stick around for at least 20 years. 2-0, folks. 

Before I review the show, I do have to give a shout out to the people of Cirque and Mandalay Bay on their promotion because everywhere I went, MJONE was there. Walking through the airport I saw this: 

When we got into the taxi, MJONE was playing on the screens. His music was playing at ever casino we went to (I can't even tell you the last time I heard Baby Be Mine in a public place!), people everywhere were talking about the show, it was all Michael, Michael, Michael. 

We got ready and headed to premier show with our tickets in hand: 

The theater itself is breathtaking. Before you even walk inside, you are bombarded with Michael images: his signature moves are lined up on the walls, crystal walls, even the doors are Michael-ish. To the right is the MJ gift shop and at this point, I'm sure I owe them my first born child at the moment. 

The inside doesn't disappoint.  His lyrics are written across the walls along with his silhouette in every corner. A gigantic crystal chandelier hangs in the middle of the room. The workers are all dressed up in MJ regal outfits, and they all seemed happy to be there. "Paparazzi" take pictures of you which you can later purchase after the show. Free drinks and snacks, Michael's music playing, a happy crowd = one happy fan.

I won't give away the show, but the general synopsis focuses on four misfits who travel through different scenarios through Michael's music. My interpretation is that they all aim to save and protect a piece of Michael's legacy (hat, glove, shoes) from the Evil Empire (tabloid trash), however it isn't easy. They have to go through many obstacles--some from E.E., some from themselves--before the come to realize a very important message. 

And yes, there is a hologram, but Cirque did an amazing job with it, I will let you decide for yourself when you see the show.

What works here is that the theater is small an intimate. There is not a bad seat in the house, you are immersed into the show and soon enough, you become part of the show. Michael's voice surrounds you and for a half a second you imagine that he's right there singing in your ear. Before you know it, people are stamping their feet, clapping their hands, singing, and grooving in their seats. By the end of the show there was a standing ovation, it was so loud I'm sure Michael himself had heard it. 

Would I see the show again? You bet your sweet ass I will. I still have goosebumps, that is how powerful MJONE is. I'm sure Michael would be proud.

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